Hey, glad that you could join me.
It is a blessed day anytime we give HIM praise! I am encouraged by
your wanting to know more about me using my gifts as an artist for the Lord. I am honored to use the
talent HE provided to give HIM honor and glorify HIS name.
I consider myself a rhythm and gospel artist. I have the privilege of working with some great professionals in the honing of my craft – vocal coach, engineer, mastering. My team has gotten me the opportunities and experiences to perform at IMMERSE, Mark Squared, Borderline and Gospel Explosion.
If you catch me on my down time, I am usually listening to beats and working on new verses.
I am from Atlanta, Georgia where I was raised as a youth chanter at Wheat Street Baptist Church and playing hand bells at Hillside Presbyterian Church. I lived in Georgia until I was 13 years old.
My parents moved to Connecticut where I attended middle school at Woodrow Wilson and high school at Middletown High. I began singing at talent shows at my schools and at Christian work camps with the Presbyterian Church we attended. My music of choice was R & B.
My senior year of high school I won both the indoor and outdoor state dash titles and accepted a track scholarship to Ohio University in Athens. I still competed in talent shows and performed during artist showcases on campus. I also accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and was baptized, joining the local Church of Christ.
Once I graduated college, I returned home to Atlanta. I joined a local Church of Christ and since they do
not have a choir, put my music on hold. I entered the workforce and met a co-worker who was working on some
recordings. He needed an artist to sing hooks for his rap and R & B albums. While making his CDs, I
fell back in love with singing – and rap – again. I began writing lyrics for my own EP while doing hooks
for the rap and R & B albums.
No doubt. My parents offered their support of my pursuit of a rhythm and gospel music career. I entered the Nashville–based GMA’s IMMERSE competition and made it to the semifinals using my own original lyrics in my first and only appearance. Upon my return from IMMERSE I have had the opportunity to work with classical Soprano, Maria Clark as my vocal coach, Hit’emHard Entertainment LLC as my engineers/producers, Rough Mecca for mixing and mastering and Serving the Peace as my label. The rest I am proclaiming - Lord willing, of course – as history in the making!
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